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PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE THIS BOOKING FORM IF YOU WISH TO MAKE A FIRM BOOKING. You are now making a booking with our company, we will check your order and allocate delivery time and collection times. By completing this booking form you are placing an order with our company, this is a binding contract and you are agreeing to hire equipment from our company. Please make sure that all details provided are correct and your event times or later collection times have been booked correctly. If you have any questions, queries or concerns please call/text now on 07779484151 or email before making your booking. Once we receive your order we will check all details and contact you back within 24-48 hours. Please note: Your booking may be cancelled if incorrect Information is provided or if we are unable to contact you or if your booking fee is not paid on time. If you are happy to continue please complete this form now and send, we will be in contact very soon, thank you!

My delivery address is the same.

Please select the first part of your postcode then write the second part of your postcode in the second row.

* Note: If your postcode is not listed above, please contact us by email or phone, as we might still be able to help. *
* When you have entered your full postcode in the above boxes of where the items will be delivered to, please click on this update delivery checking button below. *

* An online payment (We accept all major debit and credit cards) for the deposit is required for this booking. *

* The payment method selected below will be for the remaining balance. *

Max 3 Images - Max 2MB Per Image.

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Booking Summary

Product £0.00

Delivery £0.00

Min. Spend £40.00

Total £0.00

Pay Today £0.00

Booking Total £0.00